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Workbook for everyone involved in the education and care of children and adults with a visual-and-intellectual disability of intellectual disability.
At school Leroy is seen as an active boy who is very suspicious. He is generally quite alert; he knows where everyone is most of the time as he constantly looks around. When playing with other children Leroy is dominant; the others must do as he wishes. When the others don’t obey him, Leroy gets angry. He would sometimes even kick the other person. Leroy has attachment problems.
A Bartiméus study looking at the prevalence of attachment problems found that for 60 present of the adolescents and adults with a visual impairment and intellectual disabilities, who also had severe challenging behaviour, the challenging behaviour could be explained by attachment problems. The good news is that secure relationships of trust can be developed. This book aims to support everyone involved in the upbringing and care of children and adults with visual impairment and/or intellectual disability in developing a secure relationship. In addition to a theoretical part, it is explained in a practical way how you can build a secure relationship of trust.
A beautiful book about attachment and related attachment problems. Good variation between theory and practical examples and exercises. Written in an interesting, instructive and understandable way, even for a layman. It clearly shows how important the attachment relationship with the parent or caregiver is for the wellbeing of a child or client!