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CVI Course International

The Bartiméus CVI Expertise Centre is organizing an online two-day course for international professionals working with children with CVI. The course will take place on Thursday February 9 and Friday 10 2023.

Purpose of this course

Are you involved in the assessment of CVI? As a professional you can make a difference by applying knowledge about CVI in practice, so that children with CVI can participate as good as possible in school and in society.

In our two-day course, our specialists will share their knowledge with you by presentations, case studies and videos. We would like to invite you to participate. You can sign up using the form below. Participation is completely free of charge.

Who is this training for?

This course can be of interest to all professionals working with children with CVI: e.g. orthoptists, p.e. special need teachers, optometrics, (neuro)psychologists, remedial educationalists and pediatric ophthalmologists. The course will be given in English and will only be for professionals working outside The Netherlands.

Illustration CVI Course


The Bartiméus CVI Course will take place online, on 9 and 10 February 2023. 

Day 1 - from 8.00 AM - 12.00 PM

08.00 - 08.15 Welcome (by Irmgard Bals, child neuropsychologist)

08.15 - 08.45 Cerebral visual impairment in children, introduction (Irmgard Bals, child neuropsychologist)

Assessment of children with CVI

08.45 - 09.15 Assessment of visual functions and functional vision (Florine Pilon, orthoptist)

09.15 - 09.45 Assessment of visual processing/higher visual functions and considerations in diagnosing CVI (Cornelie Ensing, child neuropsychologist)

10.15 - 11.00 Case studies (Irmgard Bals, child neuropsychologist)

Interventions for children with CVI

11.00 - 11.30 Psycho-education, My CVI (Yvonne Kruithof, child psychologist)

11.30 - 12.00 CVI Experience (Florine Pilon, orthoptist)


Day 2 - from 8.00 AM - 11.00 AM

Interventions for children with CVI

08.00 - 08.30 Infants and very young children (Minette Roza and Katinka Bakker, occupational therapists)

08.30 - 09.00 Literacy (Yvonne Kruithof, child psychologist)

09.00 - 09.30 Computer Accessibility/Assistive technology (Eric van Heuvelen, assistive technology specialist)

09.45 - 10.15 Orientation and Mobility (Esther van Dungen and Laura Jamin, occupational therapists)

10.15 - 11.00 CVI and Sport (Mike Russchen, special teacher)

More information

Do you have any questions? Please contact us by sending an email to

Sign up

The number of registrations for the CVI course on February 9 and 10, 2023 is overwhelming. That is why we closed the registration for this course.